It takes a village to raise a child. This is the foundation of Grace Village Early Learning.
How do we give your tiny human the best early learning education in our little village? By taking the time and effort to build relationships not only with your little one but with the most important person in your child’s life – you!
You are the most influential person in your child’s life. It is for this very reason, our educators, spend time to build a strong, respectful, collaborative partnership with you and your child.
What is an educational partnership in early learning?
A partnership in general is an investment in a relationship that is mutually beneficial to all.
An educational partnership in early learning is achieved when families and educators work together to share and support a child’s learning journey.
We have seen first-hand, how a positive, open relationship helps educators to create a practical and personalised educational experience around the specific needs of your child.
What does a partnership look like in early learning?
By working together with your child’s educator, you have begun your collaborative partnership.
Continual, open communication, involvement and interest in what happens during your child’s day, play an important part in developing this partnership.
A collaborative partnership that is based on trust, mutual respect and positive relationships will see your little one happy and thriving.

Here are three ways you can support your little one’s learning and build a positive and collaborative partnership with their educators
1) Share information.
Your educator wants to know all about your child. As your little one’s main carer, you play an important part in their life. You know them the best and this information can significantly help our educators and tribe leaders in their development, growth and learning.
Tell them about all their interests, inspirations, their likes and dislikes, any special or additional needs, be open and honest. Our educators can plan and design specific learning experiences to keep little ones’ attention, interest and energy – so they can get the most from each activity and have a happy and fruitful day.
Sharing information is not one-sided. If you require support or need extra help with a new challenge at home, talk to your educator. Together, they can help you look for new ways to assist you and your family.
At Grace Village, we offer advice or in-house speech pathology, skill development, behaviour support services, or child psychology services to help you address any developmental challenges your child may have. Working closely with your little ones’ therapist, our educators can adopt customised learning experiences for your child.
2) Encourage independence.
Independence in your little one is being an active participant in their learning.
When your child is free to make choices and decisions in their learning, they embrace valuable life skills, way beyond their early childhood. Independence promotes confidence, decision making and competency as well as further supporting skills in problem-solving, risk-taking and cause and effect.
At Grace Village, we spend considerable time developing and encouraging your little one’s independence and self-help skills during the day. Their independence is vital for their learning, and development especially for their transition to school.
You can support and encourage your tiny human’s independence in the home, as well. We know your week is busy and tiring, and it may be quicker and easier for you to do things for your child.
But if you take the time to allow your child to develop simple skills such as packing their bag for childcare, choosing what to wear to childcare and other tasks in the home, you are creating a confident, capable young person.
Don’t forget our Third Place for our families. Grace Village likes to take care of the little things to leave more time for you to spend as a family.

From home-made meals ready to take home to dedicated co-working spaces when you’re on the run, or laundry services, our Third Space is designed to provide a robust support network so you can focus on the important things.
3) Connect with the community.
By taking an interest and participating in the activities at early learning, you begin to build relationships with your little one’s educators, their friends and other families or community members.
This may include attending events, donating your time or money to worthwhile causes, or engaging with other families. There are many ways you can become involved with your early learning community.
By connecting with the community around your child’s early learning, you are sending a powerful message to your little one. Early learning isn’t a babysitting service, it isn’t just a place to learn and play. It is a safe and happy place, a place worth your time and effort in developing rewarding relationships.
Grace Village organises many activities within the village community as well as the wider community for this very reason. To develop rich relationships with those around us who have an influence on your little one’s education and well-being.
Grace Village makes it easy for families to belong. Our Xplor™ app keeps Grace Village families up to date and actively involved in all the activities happening. It is a great way to see what your little one gets up to during the day, their development and activities they have done.
There are added benefits of belonging to the rich and diverse Grace Village community – you will feel supported when things are down, and you can help others in their time of need. There is much to be gained by being a part of something bigger!

Discover more about our philosophy on educational partnership
Join our Centre Director for a 30 minute guided tour of Grace Village Early Learning and find out more about your child’s home away from home