Supporting Child & Maternal Health with Thank You
As part of our core values here at Grace Village, we believe children deserve to be allowed to be just that – children.
Sadly though, in some parts of the world, children and their mothers, face a daily fight for survival.
And while you may already know of third world food shortages & famines, many lose this fight simply due to a lack of basic healthcare or other poverty-related issues during pregnancy, birth & early childhood.
Poverty is a key reason why a mother or baby doesn’t survive or thrive in the first month of life. 2.7 million babies don’t make it through their first month of life every year because they don’t have access to basic health care.
Baby, we can change the world
Happily though, companies such as Thank You put their profits to good, and fund programs across the developing world that help battle these issues.
So it’s for this reason Grace Village now purchases and uses Thank You products throughout the centre.
Like Thank You, we believe no mother & child should die from preventable and poverty-related issues during pregnancy, birth and early childhood.
We imagine a world where families, no matter where they are born, have access to high-quality health care so that pregnant and breastfeeding mums – and their babies – can not just survive, but thrive, and we know improving health in communities requires change across multiple levels of society
Every product from the Thankyou baby range helps fund a range of programs that take a multifaceted approach because they aim to uncover root cause issues within the entire healthcare system.
Typically, they involve government, health officials, doctors, families and community members working together to ensure access to maternal and child health services for generations to come.
It’s important to us that our funding is not creating a separate health system, but strengthens existing ones to enable long-lasting change to occur.
Watch the Thank You Movie
Images courtesy Thank You Group